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  2. Self-Paced Courses & Instructors

Licensing of an ICAgile-accredited self-paced course to another Member Organization

Member Organizations may license their accredited self-paced course materials to another ICAgile Member Organization under the following circumstances:

  • The licensed course utilizes the same LMS (Learning Management System) as configured by the Licensor.
  • The Licensor maintains a course Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 50 or above. 

At least 15 students must have completed the course in order to calculate the starting course NPS score. If the course NPS score is 50 or above, the course may be licensed to other ICAgile Member Organizations, providing they utilize the same LMS. Considerations may be made if a course is designed utilizing authoring tools that allow SCORM exports to a different LMS while maintaining the learning experience across different LMSs. Licensing Member Organizations must complete an Instructor Authorization Session to confirm their understanding of the accredited course materials and ability to offer the self-paced course. The Instructor Authorization Session in this case focuses on the coverage of the Learning Outcomes and Domain Experience to ensure that the instructor of record for the course (and on the certification) will be able to properly engage with learners in a self-paced environment.

Licensing agreements are made directly between the licensor and licensee. As such, ICAgile does not set agreement terms (such as payment).