Criteria for Course Accreditation

The course will pass if it...
The course will NOT pass if...
Class Meets All Learning Outcomes (LOs) Meets all of the Acceptance Criteria for the Learning Outcomes and Themes • One or more of the acceptance criteria are not met.
In-Person Course Design

• Is designed for adult learning with a logical flow.
• Is an experiential/interactive learning experience.
• Approaches the subject matter in creative ways to encourage connection and exploration by participants.
• Includes opportunities to relate the learning to the learner's own context.
• Includes comprehensive Instructor / Facilitator guidance.
• Includes a variety of mode changes and activities to reinforce the learning.

• Includes clear instructions for activities in the Instructor / Facilitator guidance. • Includes debrief instructions for activities in the Instructor / Facilitator guidance. 

• One or more of the required artifacts are missing or incomplete.
• The course design is primarily lectured over slides
• The course design does not include sufficient opportunities for interaction and engagement
• The instructor/facilitator guidance lacks sufficient detail.

• Instructor / Facilitator guidance does not include clear instructions for activities. • Instructor / Facilitator guidance does not includes debrief instructions for activities.

Remote Delivery Course Experience

• Is designed for remote adult learning with a logical flow of modules.
• Is a remote learning experience is experiential/interactive.
• Approaches subject matter in creative ways to encourage connection and exploration by participants. The activities are designed for a remote delivery experience and reinforce the learning.
• Includes opportunities to relate the learning to the learner's own context.
• Includes comprehensive Instructor / Facilitator guidance.
• Includes a timeline showing the timing and pacing of the modules that are appropriate for a good remote learning experience.
• optionally includes pre-work, homework, and/or post-work that reinforces the learning experience.
• Leverages tools that support the remote learning experience.
• Has a learner tracking system and/or supporting tools in place that have been demonstrated to be effective.

• Includes clear instructions for activities in the Instructor / Facilitator guidance. • Includes debrief instructions for activities in the Instructor / Facilitator guidance.

• One or more of the required artifacts are missing or incomplete.
• The course design is primarily lectured over slides.
• The course has not been adapted to fit for remote learning.
• The instructor/facilitator guidance lacks sufficient detail.
• The course design does not include a method of tracking attendance or module completion.

• The instructor / facilitator guidance does not include clear instructions for activities. • The instructor / facilitator guidance does not includes debrief instructions for activities.


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