After completing an ICAgile-accredited class, learners are asked to complete the following survey as a final step toward claiming their certification:
1. How was this course delivered?
a. In Person
b. Virtually
c. Both in person and virtual
2. How many students attended the class?
a. 30+
b. 21-30
c. 11-20
d. 6-10
e. 1-5
3. How applicable was the material to you in your current role?
5 - Extremely applicable
4 - Applicable
3 - Somewhat applicable
2 - Rarely applicable
1 - Not at all applicable
4. How likely are you to recommend this course to a colleague?
(from "0 - Not at All Likely" to "10 - Extremely Likely")
5. How likely are you to recommend this instructor to a colleague?
(from "0 - Not at All Likely" to "10 - Extremely Likely")
6. How knowledgeable was the instructor of the subject matter?
5 - Very knowledgeable
3 - Moderately knowledgeable
1 - Not at all knowledgeable
7. What suggestions do you have to improve the course content?
8. What additional feedback do you have for the instructor?
The results of this survey are available in the Feedback section of your profile.